Publication Design - Kyra Phelps

This course covers principles of design, typography, and the use of graphic files, in both print and digital publication. Professional desktop publishing software and common web design software will be used. Emphasis is on skills required for basic literacy as well as the effective design of common formats such as brochures, newsletters, books, and web pages.

The goal of this class is to use industry software to create & produce professionally designed, printed and digitally published documents commonly found & used in business.


Below are the labs for the quarter. They are to help us learn different skills and apply them to bigger projects and outside of the classroom projects as well. Click below to see lab projects 1-7.

Code Projects

These code projects were based on web design and coding. Click below to see code projects 1-3.

Reading Projects

The Reading Projects are from the book, Adobe InDesign CC: The Professional Portfolio. Click below through the tabs to see reading projects 1-6.

Click here for RP1.

Click here for RP2.

Click here for RP3.

Click here for RP5 East Coast.
Click here for RP5 West Coast.

Click here for RP6 (digital).
Click here for RP6 (print).


My book project is based on the Jungle Book. Click below to see book projects 1-6.


Find a company, preferably a “live” client who could use design work or at least a company whom you have an affinity for. Use existing company content. The company our group is doing is Fierce and Fabulous in Spokane.